Franklin College Presents Nunsense

The Franklin College Music Department will present Nunsense, a musical comedy written by Dan Goggin. The two performances will be at 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 1 and Saturday, Nov. 2. Both performances will be in the Clarence E. and Inez R. Custer Theatre in Old Main.
Nunsense opens with 52 nuns dying after eating a poisoned soup. The surviving nuns return from a lively game of bingo to discover their sisters dead. Tragically and hilariously, the order could afford to bury only 48 of the 52 nuns. The remaining nuns decide that the only way to raise the money to bury the last four is to put on a cabaret show. This raucous musical comedy is a display of the great young talents currently studying music and theater at Franklin College.
Eric DeForest, D.M.A., assistant professor of music, will direct. He earned his Bachelor of Music from the State University of New York at Fredonia, his Master of Music from West Virginia University, and his Doctor of Musical Arts from the University of Texas at Austin. He directs the women’s chorus, men’s chorus, and FC Singers, the college’s mixed choir. DeForest joined the college in 2012.
The cast for the production includes:
Riley Mahan, of Trafalgar, will play the part of the Reverend Mother.
Daisy Hayes, of Franklin, will play the part of Sister Hubert.
Charlotte Ray, of Franklin, will play the part of Sister Robert Anne.
Carly Cravens, of Indianapolis (46227), will play the part of Sister Mary Amnesia.
Lillian Voils, of Nashville, will play the part of Sister Mary Leo.
Rylee Grimes, of Greensburg, will play the part of Mary Cardelia.
General admission is $12. Admission for each performance is $8 for students and seniors (55 and older). Franklin College students, faculty and staff receive free admission with a valid Franklin College ID. To reserve tickets, email
Old Main is located at the corner of Branigin Blvd. and Monroe St. Traveling west on State Road 44, take a left onto Forsythe St. Turn right onto Jefferson St., following the sign to the main entrance of the college. Turn left onto Branigin Blvd. Old Main is on the left just past the first stop sign.