Home Bank Recognizes Lisa Arnold for 35 Years of Service

Home Bank recognized Lisa Arnold for 35 years of dedicated service to the company. Arnold joined the bank in 1985 and currently serves as President/Chief Operating Officer. In addition to various affiliations in the local community, she is a member of the Alumni Council of Franklin College, former president of the Future Leadership Division of the Indiana Bankers Association, and a past member of the IBA Board of Directors. Arnold earned a bachelor’s degree from Franklin College and an MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University. She is also a graduate of the ABA Stonier Graduate School of Banking (University of Pennsylvania) and the ABA National Commercial Lending School (Southern Methodist University).
Home Bank SB was chartered in 1890 as a mutual institution which essentially means that it is owned by its depositors. Without private ownership or stockholders, the bank’s profits are allocated entirely to its capital reserves, resulting in greater fiscal strength and resources for community support. Home Bank serves South Central Indiana with offices in Morgan, Hendricks and Johnson Counties.
Link to Home Bank on Aspire website: https://web.aspirejohnsoncounty.com/Banks/Home-Bank-SB-2200