Indiana Republicans Release Draft District Maps

The release of the 2020 census data allowed state legislatures across the U.S. to update legislative and congressional districts. Johnson County and Southern Marion County will see shifts in districts.
The most notable change comes in Congress, where all of Johnson County and some of southern Marion will now be in the 6th district. Johnson County was previously in the 9th. Other shifts in State House and Senate districts were proposed, including a new House district 57 with no incumbent. The drafts maps may be amended during final hearings. The updates will impact 2022 primaries.
As a reminder, the General Assembly did not adjourn “sine die” (Latin for without another day) this past spring, but simply adjourned so that they could return for a redistricting session this month, to override any potential gubernatorial vetoes, or to address any other pressing issue.
As a part-time legislature, the General Assembly typically adjourns completely (sine die) in the spring and does not return until the following January.
Here are the draft 2021 district maps: