Protect Your Investment While Enjoying the Ride

What a time to be alive! Never before has the combination of runaway inflation and supply shortages caused the price of automobiles and light trucks, new and used, to skyrocket like it has in recent months. The good news from this situation is that the value of your current vehicle(s) has almost certainly increased (an unprecedented benefit of car ownership). At the same time, normal wear and tear along with the natural aging process take their toll on the condition and appearance of your car or truck. In times past, owners often neglected the upkeep of their vehicles, reasoning that investing in a depreciating asset was not financially prudent. But with used vehicles actually increasing in value and difficult or impossible to replace, ensuring that your fleet is kept in top condition is now a matter of protecting your investment.
Keeping vehicles in top condition includes both mechanical maintenance and repairs as well as cosmetic conditioning. Cars and trucks that are well maintained mechanically are more reliable and more productive for your business. Breakdowns are avoided and schedules are kept on track. Vehicles that are kept looking-good maintain their value and present a successful professional image for your business. You spend thousands of dollars on marketing efforts to build your brand; don’t let a fleet of shabby vehicles tear it down. A clean well-sorted vehicle also conveys a message of excellence to your employees. If you don’t care about your fleet, why should they? But if you ensure that your vehicles are always looking sharp, your team will naturally follow your lead and demonstrate concern for the condition of the vehicles they drive. Nobody wants to be the first one to mess up a freshly detailed car or truck.
In addition to protecting the value of your assets, increasing reliability and productivity, bolstering your company image, and inspiring your team to excellence, keeping your vehicles in top condition has one other advantage: It just feels good! Walking up to a clean shiny car or truck and opening the door to a fresh-smelling spotless interior is good for the soul. Knowing that it will start right up without issue inspires confidence and lets you focus on the day’s challenges. You have enough messes to deal with; your car shouldn’t be one of them.
My Baby Detailing
4981 West Smith Valley Road
Greenwood, IN 46142